Location on the body: This chakra is located in the sacrum and is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones.
Governance: It is linked to aspects of creativity, passion in life, desires and sexuality. Physically, it governs sexuality, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm
Associated sense: Taste
Musical Note: D
Frequency using 432 Hz Calibration: ... 36Hz, 72.1Hz, 144.2Hz, 288.3Hz, 576.7Hz, 1153.3 ...(If you want to go further up, keep doubling the last figure and if you want to down, half the figure in the front to the nearest first decimal point)
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Geometrical representation: 6 petals
Activation Mantra: Vam (Pronounced Vum)
Associated Deity: Vishnu and Rakini
Associated Planet: Moon and Pluto
Associated Zodiac Sign: Cancer and Scorpio
Associated Crystals: Pearl, Garnet, Carnelian, Moonstone, Orange calcite
Associated Essential Oils: Jasmine, Clary sage, Sandalwood, Ginger, Juniper berry, Ceaderwood, Cypress